
Venezuelan Masters: Pancho Quilici

Una Visión Fellinesca a la Izquierda Una Visión Fellinesca a la Izquierda Una Visión Fellinesca a la Izquierda

Una Visión Fellinesca a la Izquierda

From the series 'Espacio Vida Contemporánea'
Acrylic paint on canvas.
39.4 x 39.4 in.
Signature and date on the lower-right corner.

Pancho Quilici
He was born in Caracas on April 16, 1954 . He studied at the Institute of Design Neumann and Graphics Research Center , Cegra , Graphic Education Center . Joint exhibition since 1977 and had his first solo show in 1980 , when he settled in Paris. In his early works emphasized his virtuosity as a draftsman , then go integrating oil and acrylic painting , watercolor painting and engraving, architectures , real or imagined has been the central theme of his work .

His name is François although we all know as Pancho Quilici , an artist , his father Antoine Quilici , studied Decorative Arts , and her mother, Ellen Fratini , ran a pottery studio and exhibited their works and lives in Paris since 1980 and is was because he won a job given by the previously called Ministry of Culture. This was the era of the great halls in Venezuela and Quilici was beginning to stand out as an artist .

"I chose Paris because I was not strange . Had done my studies at the Colegio France, spoke the language , was 26. Was the time when Venezuela was drawing a lot and I was lucky to meet there with Cecilia Ayala , owner of the gallery Minotaur , who was linked in Caracas. in Paris she ran the Dragon room and was closely linked to art. "

His personal life also unfolds in the City of Light . Their children were born there : Daniela , Mathieu and Paola . You are the 29 years that have elapsed in Europe, where he has developed his art. Beyond drawing on paper ceased to be paramount. Not detached from Venezuela , which is evident in his inspired by the immense prospects of the country landscapes.

" When an artist goes to a place where art is a matter of priority , the first thing to do is soak up the culture. For me it was not difficult because the French training he had received. 's Just made trips to Paris left me very impressed " . But it is clear that a purely Venezuelan product . " All the best memories I have left the College after France until I went to Paris. Things that marked me forever."

Makes little reference to the recognition received abroad. But we must remember that in 1983 he was awarded the Grand Prize at the XVIII International Competition of Contemporary Art in Montecarlo .

Duality of feelings are verified to explore its history , and simultaneously exposed in France and Venezuela and ratifies "the more time passes the more I cling ties to my country, which are embodied in my friends after so many years . Paris I 'm not French , I'm still Venezuela . " Duality that develops creative activity and in the affections of the universe . "It's very nice to have the chance to live those two worlds. 's Lucky , because it makes us more universal."
"To succeed you have to be lucky. I'm not one to make a plan . Things have come to me because I work a lot. "

Quilici 's paintings invite exploration , encouraged by the incomplete buildings, mazes and geometric semitransparent and futuristic shapes that dominate the scene .

This combination of landscape and form originates worlds whose implications extend beyond our planet. Quilici has invented a term to express the intention of these microcosm of creation , calls > his own combination of the Greek words meaning universe and philosophy. Pointing a paint partially hidden behind a veil of semi-transparent nylon containing part of a geometric figure , Quilici begins a guided tour of one of his creations . At the bottom of the work, a richly painted surface will acquire a recognizable shape represents the human subconscious . The landscape surrounding the conscious field , while geometric figures suspended on it - sometimes recorded in layers of fabric or plastic that literally crying on the surface of the work - exist in the celestial realm of ideas .
His art , he says, is proposed to represent the inner world, to shape abstract concepts like time. the tool selected for this task is a simple line .
Quilici is considered primarily a draftsman. Ironically admits that his paintings are created specifically surfaces to draw on them . When he realized that painting was too rough to draw veils began experimenting with fabric and plastic engraving which are now common in his works.
Currently has an exhibition in Caracas, Venezuela called " TrasCaracas in the reconquest of time " on the Foresighted Foundation and ends on September 1 , 2009 .
For those who can invite you to see it.

Recognitions :
1994 Painting Prize , Festival International de la Peinture , Cagnes- sur- Mer
1984 Prince Rainier Grand Prix , Monaco
Fundarte Award 1982 , First National Biennial of Drawing and Engraving , Caracas
Eladio 1980 German Prize Sucre, XXXVIII Arturo Michelena ,
INH 1979 Prize I Drawing Room New in Venezuela , Caracas
1978 Bernardo Rubinstein Prize XXXVI Arturo Michelena ,
Ateneo de Valencia

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