
Venezuelan Masters: César Rengifo

Payaso Payaso


Oil on canvas
19.7 x 15.7 in; 27.6 x 24.4 x 1.2 in (w/frame)
Signature & date on the lower-right corner

César Rengifo (1915-1980) stands as a cornerstone of Venezuelan art. His artistic legacy extends beyond powerful social realist paintings, encompassing impactful plays and insightful writings. Born in Caracas on May 14, 1915, Rengifo's artistic development mirrored the evolving social consciousness of 20th-century Venezuela.

Rengifo’s artistic talent was evident from a young age. He honed his skills at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas y Aplicadas (School of Fine and Applied Arts) in Caracas, where he encountered burgeoning artistic movements. A pivotal moment arrived during his travels to Chile and Mexico in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Exposure to these vibrant artistic landscapes, particularly the burgeoning Mexican muralist movement, proved transformative. The social commentary embedded within the works of renowned Mexican muralist Diego Rivera became a major source of inspiration for Rengifo.

Rengifo's artistic expression transcended the visual realm. A prolific writer, he crafted powerful plays that echoed the social themes explored in his paintings. Works like "Sobre el Mismo Trigo" (On the Same Wheat) and "Los Inocentes" (The Innocents) showcased his vision within the style of social realism. He further delved into his socio-political views through insightful essays.


1953 Andrés Pérez Mujica Award, XI Arturo Michelena Hall / Second prize, VI Planchart Hall / Popular Award, VI Planchart Hall.

1954 National Painting Award, XV Official Hall / Antonio Esteban Frías Award, XV Official Hall / Arturo Michelena Award, XII Arturo Michelena Hall.

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